Steve Bisciotti : Business Man, Owner NFL Baltimore Ravens,Founder Aerotek

Sumber : Steve Bisciotti Offers To Charter Ravens To Tray Walker's Funeral - CBS Baltimore


Steve Bisciotti

Stephen J. Bisciotti (Lahir di Philadelphia,Pennsylvania pada 10 April 1960) [1] [2]. Stephen J. Bisciotti lebih dikenal dengan nama Steve Bisciotti[3]

Biografi Steve Bisciotti

Pekerjaan :

  • Co – Founder Allegis Group Ltd dan melayani sebagai Manager Direktur
  • Direktur Keuangan Allegis Group Ltd
  • HRD
  • President of Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc
  • Chief Executive Officer of Aerotek Inc.
  • Executive Officer of Baltimore Ravens, Inc
  • Co-Chairman dan Direktur Allegis Group Ltd. [4]

Afiliasi Lainnya :

  • Aerotek Inc.
  • Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc.
  • Allegis Group Ltd
  • TEKsystems
  • Baltimore Ravens NFL[4]
  • Catholic Charities Associated.

Tempat dan tanggal lahir :

Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, 10 April 1960. [5]

Kewarganegaraan :

Amerika Serikat[6].


‎Millersville, Maryland

Pendidikan :

  • Severna Park School. [7]
  • Bachelor of Arts / Science, Salisbury State University.[6]

Phone : 410-701-4000
Fax : 410-547-8112

Total kekayaan :

$3.9 Billion atau setara dengan Rp 54 Triliun

Peringkat forbes:

#156 Forbes 400 (2016)
#203 in 2015
#569 Billionaires (2016)
#214 in United States
• The Richest Person In America’s 50 Largest Cities (2016)

Riwayat hidup :

Stephen J. Bisciotti lahir di Philadelphia,Pennsylvania pada 10 April 1960. Stephen J. Bisciotti lebih dikenal dengan nama Steve Bisciotti. Steve berasal dari keluarga pebisnis kelas italia –amerika di pinggiran kota Baltimore [3]. Orang tua Bisciotti bernama Bernard Bisciotti dan Patricia Bisciotti. Ayahnya sangan senang menghadiri pertandingan Baltimore Orioles dan Colts.
Bisciotti mempunyai saudara bernama Michael Bisciotti yang menikahi Cathy Thomas. Tidak banyak yang tahu tentang saudara nya Bisciotti ini.
Bisciotti sekolah di Severna Park School. Lalu dia mendapatkan gelar dalam bidang seni liberal dari Salisbury State University di Maryland[7].Saat masa pertumbuhan, Steve sangat menyukai olahraga. Suatu hari ayahnya membawa Steve dan saudara – saudaranya ke pertandingan Orioles dan Colts. Pada saat bersekolah di Severna Park School,Steve mulai mengembangkan bakat ketertarikannya pada olahraga. Ia masuk kedalam sebuah football team ketika bersekolah di Severna Park School meskipun ia pernah berkata : “wasn’t much of a high school athlete.”.
Bisciotti menikah dengan Renee dan mempunyai 2 orang anak yang bernama Jason Bisciotti dan Jack Bisciotti. Renee istrinya,menyelesaikan studinya di West Springfield High School. Pada tahun 1981, ia selesai belajar di University of Maryland .
Bisciotti merupakan seorang Katolik Roma yang taat, dan bagian dari anggota dewan untuk kedua Catholic Charities Associated dan Mother Seton Academy.

Riwayat karir:

Pada tahun 1982, Bisciotti lulus dari Salisbury State University di Maryland. Setahun kemudian setelah ia lulus,pada saat umurnya 23 tahun ia dan sepupunya Jim Davis memulai Aerotek , sebuah perusahaan kepegawaian di sektor kedirgantaraan dan teknologi. Ia menjalankan perusahaan dibawah basement dan dengan peralatan kantor bekas. Bisciotti dan Davis memproduksi 1,5 juta dalam penjualan di tahun pertama. Lalu Aerotek berkembang menjadi Allegis Group yang sekarang merupakan perusahaan kepegawaian terbesar di Amerika Serikat dan ke – 4 di dunia.Keterlibatan Bisciotti dalam bisnis olahraga telah membawa lebih memperhatikan nya setelah perusahaan low-profile. Pada tanggal 27 Maret 2000, NFL pemilik menyetujui penjualan 49% dari Ravens untuk Bisciotti. Dalam kesepakatan itu, Bisciotti memiliki opsi untuk membeli sisa 51% untuk 325.000.000 pada tahun 2004 dari Art Modell.Pada tanggal 9 April 2004 NFL menyetjui pembelian Steve Bisciotti atas mayoritas saham – saham di klub.
Pada tahun 2009, Aerotek, perusahaan Biscotti, mencapai penyelesaian $ 1,2 juta gugatan class action yang diajukan atas nama lebih dari 1.000 pekerja yang bekerja di perusahaan mantan call center di Martinsburg,Virginia Barat. Aerotek Inc ditutup call center pada Desember 2006. Perusahaan kemudian digugat untuk menyelesaikan klaim bahwa pekerja tidak dibayar secara tepat waktu dan tidak dibayar semua upah nya yang disebabkan West Virginia Wage Payment and Collection Act and Fair Labor Standards Act, menurut catatan Berkeley County Circuit Court. Call center di Martinsburg, Virginia Barat itu tidak benar-benar call center Aerotek. Staff Aerotek dengan karyawan itu di kontrak namun call center nya merupakan Verizon Communication dan Verizon ditutup pusat pada bulan Desember 2006.

Fakta – fakta :

  1. Lahir di Philadelphia,Pennsylvania
  2. Ulang tahun pada 10 April 1960
  3. Umur nya 56 tahun.
  4. Berzodiak Aries
  5. American businessman best known as the owner of the NFL’s Baltimore Ravens. Before he became owner of the Ravens, he built his fortune as the founder of Allegis Group.
  6. He was on Forbes’ list of the four hundred richest Americans in 2005.
  7. Mempunyai 2 orang anak yang bernama Jason Bisciotti dan Jack Bisciotti.
  8. Steve tidak mau dipanggil Mr. Bisciotti. Beliau ingin dipanggil Steve saja.
  9. Steve bersekolah di Severna Park School.
  10. Pada tahun 1982 ia lulus dari Salisbury State University di Maryland.
  11. Steve membangun Aerotek bersama dengan sepupunya,Jim Davis.
  12. Steve sangat gemar berolahraga.
  13. Steve merupakan orang terkaya di Amerika Serikat.
  14. Steve Bisciotti beragama Katholik Roma.
  15. Steve membeli saham Baltimore Raven.
  16. Mempunyai saudara bernama Michael Bisciotti.
  17. Ayah Steve bernama Berndard Bisciotti
  18. Ibunya bernama Patricia Bisciotti.
  19. He Was Planning on Keeping Rice Before He Saw The Full Video
  20. He Wrote a Letter of Apology For the Ray Rice Incident After Cutting Him From the Team
  21. He Has Been the Owner of the Baltimore Ravens for 10 Years (until 2014).
  22. Kekayaannya mencapai 3,9 milliar dollar

Quotes :

“Win with class, and if you lose then maintain your class and your dignity”. – Steve Bisciotti.

”This business is about managing your mistakes and managing your failures. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”You have to scale the mountain to find the cliff. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”Approach every day at work like it’s your first day at work, with that same kind of enthusiasm. And approach every day with your family like it may be your last with your family. And if you do that every single day, you’re going to be okay. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”I didn’t get to where I was by over-ruling people that have the authority in their contracts and in their handshake with me. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

[In March 2013] ”I can’t change one ingredient and not change the entire thing. ” – Steve Bisciotti.
”Yeah, this is a business. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”I’m an optimist by nature… ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”We have to move on… ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”If it wasn’t for the elation you get from winning, no one would subject themselves to this kind of pain or suffering. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”You might think I lay on the beach all day with this tan, but I don’t. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”With the good comes the bad. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”A lot of pride and a lot of disappointment. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”People want to see fire in their athletes… ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”Don’t call me Mr Bisciotti. Call me Steve. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

[In November 2010] ”It’s one thing to hire smart people, it’s another thing to understand why they make the decisions that they do. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”I really enjoy the team building stuff. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”It’s not about me, it’s about the team. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

[In January 2013] ”You take the good with the bad. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

”I’m just the grand pooh-bah of the fan club of Raven’s fans. ” – Steve Bisciotti.

[details=Referensi]1. BaltimoreRavens “BaltimoreRavens | History” Diakses18 Desember 2016. Ravens History | Baltimore Ravens –
2. Wikipedia “Steve Bisciotti” Diakses 18 Desember 2016 Steve Bisciotti - Wikipedia
3. Henley.Jamison “Steve Bisciotti Net Worth “ Diakses 19 Desember 2016
4. Bloomberg. “Stephen J.Bisciotti : Executive Profile and Biography” Diakses 18 Desember 2016 Stocks - Bloomberg
5. Bloomberg. “Stephen J.Bisciotti : Executive Profile and Biography” Diakses 18 Desember 2016 Stocks - Bloomberg
6. .”Stephen Bisciotti” Diakses 17 Desember 2016 Stephen Bisciotti
7. Celebfamily. “Stephen Bisciotti Family” Diakses 21 Desember 2016 Stephen Bisciotti Family - Celebrity Family
8. . “ Steve Bisciotti Quotes” . Diakses 18 Desember 2016 Steve Bisciotti Quotes
9. “Steve Bisciotti – Bio,Facts,Family” 18 Desember 2016 Steve Bisciotti - Age, Family, Bio | Famous Birthdays
10. AllegisGroup “ History & Culture “ Diakses 18 Desember 2016 Our History: 35+ Years of Staffing & Recruitment
11. “ Steve Bisciotii – 5 facts you need to know” Diakses 21-12-2016

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