Siapakah artis Hollywood yang baik hati di dunia nyata?


Banyak orang terkenal terkadang lupa diri dan berbeda sekali dibandingkan ketika dia bermain film.

Menurut anda, siapakah artis Hollywood yang hebat, baik di dunia nyata maupun di film ?

##Keanu Reeves
Estimasi Kekayaan : US$ 350 Juta - 4,550 Trilliun Rupiah

Keanu Reeves merupakan artis dengan pendapatan terbesar dari satu film, yaitu ketika membintangi film The Matrix Reloaded, dengan pendapatan sebesar $126 million, atau sekitar 1,638 Trilliun Rupiah (Kurs Dollar sebesar 13.000 Rupiah).

Pendapatan sebesar itu merupakan pendapatan artis terbesar dalam dari satu film hingga saat ini.

Dengan pendapatan sebesar itu, Keanu Reeves membagikan pendapatannya sebesar $75 million (975 Millyar Rupiah), lebih dari separuh pendapatan totalnya, untuk dibagikan kepada team spesial effect dan team kostum pada pembuatan film tersebut.

Rata-rata per orang mendapatkan US$ 1 juta, sekitar 13 Milyar Rupiah, yang membuat mereka menjadi Milyader :slight_smile:

Dia tidak lupa bahwa kesuksesan film tersebut tidak hanya ditentukan oleh dirinya sendiri, aktor utama, tetapi juga ditentukan oleh seluruh team yang bekerja keras dalam proses pembuatan film tersebut.

Berikut juga video Keanu Reeves berbagi kursi di subway,

“Money is the last thing I think about. I could live on what I have already made for the next few centuries.”, kata Keanu Reeves ketika diwawancara Hello! Magazine, 2003

Keanu Reeves juga termasuk orang yang “down to earth”, ketika dia sering kedapatan mengobrol dengan gelandangan, dan berbagi makanan dengan mereka di Los Angels

It’s easy to stay grounded. The ground is very close. And we walk on it every day. Keanu Reeves

Berikut beberapa badan amal dimana Keanu Reeves menjadi donaturnya,

  • Angelwear, Raising funds and awareness for non-profit organizations that are making a positive difference to the world. Supporting a wide range of causes, including health, human rights and the arts.

  • City of Hope, an innovative biomedical research, treatment and educational institution, is dedicated to the prevention and cure of cancer and other life-threatening diseases, guided by a compassionate patient-centered philosophy, and supported by a national foundation of humanitarian philanthropy. (AIDS, HIV, Cancer).

  • CoachArt, Improving the quality of life for underprivileged children and adolescents with chronic and life-threatening illnesses by providing free, personal lessons in the arts and athletics.

  • Entertainment Industry Foundation, Raising awareness and funds for important causes such as childhood hunger, cancer research, creative arts, education, cardiovascular research, and much more.

  • LIFEbeat, Dedicated to reaching America’s youth with the message of HIV/AIDS prevention. LIFEbeat mobilizes the talents and resources of the music industry to raise awareness and to provide support to the AIDS community.

  • Make It Right, Disaster Relief, Homelessness.

  • Motion Picture and Television Fund Foundation, to protect and preserve the health and quality of life of those who devote so much of their lives to the industry.

  • PETA, dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals.

  • Racing for Kids, health care needs of children.

  • SickKids Foundation, Inspiring communities to invest in health and scientific advances to improve the lives of children and their families in Canada and around the world.

  • Spinal Cord Opportunities for Rehabilitaion Endowment, Striving to improve the quality of life for people with a spinal cord injury, providing financial support to young athletes and their families immediately following an accident and more.

  • Stand Up To Cancer, that aims to raise money for cancer researchers and scientists to come together and reach their common goal: the cure for cancer.

  • Wildlife WayStation, Safe haven for both native and exotic wildlife that is dedicated to rescue, rehabilitation and relocation

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