Atraksi Turis Terpopuler di Laos

Berikut saya kutip dari website touropia mengenai referensi destinasi wisata yang berkaitan dengan topik ini sebagai berikut.

Vieng Xai

The Vieng Xai caves are an extensive network of caves that served as hidden city during the Vietnam War. The area was home to the Communist army, who were fighting the royalist forces based in Vientiane and was bombed by the US army. Up to 23,000 people lived in the caves, which contained a hospital, military barracks, bakeries, shops, and even a theater. The Lao government hopes to promote the caves as a tourism destination, similar to the Củ Chi tunnels in Vietnam.

Info Destinasi Wisata yang sangat bermanfaat, selain tempat-tempat diatas, kamu juga bisa mengunjungi tempat ini sebagai tambahan referensi wisata anda jika sewaktu-waktu mengunjungi Laos

Mekong River

The Mekong is Southeast Asia’s greatest river with an estimated length of 4,350 km (2,703 miles). Laos actually has the greatest share of the Mekong River. With few good roads and mountainous terrain, the river is Laos’ principal transportation. The Upper Mekong in Laos is considered one of the most stunning journeys of the entire river. A great way to enjoy the scenery is a boat trip from Huay Xai at the border with northern Thailand to Luang Prabang, or vice versa.