Atraksi Turis Terpopuler di Vientiane

Berikut saya kutip dari website touropia mengenai referensi destinasi wisata yang berkaitan dengan topik ini sebagai berikut.

Haw Phra Kaew

Haw Phra Kaew is considered one of the most beautiful and impressive temples in Vientiane. Built in 1565 as the chapel for the royal family, Haw Phra Kaew was home for a while to the Emerald Buddha that was stolen from Thailand. The name of this gracious building translates to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, though the Thais stole the statue back in the 18th century. It is now a museum, no longer used for religious services. The temple is famous for its wood and stone carvings, and collection of Buddhas. With a dragon guarding the temple, visitors can sit in peace in the garden to rest or meditate.

Info Destinasi Wisata yang sangat bermanfaat, selain tempat-tempat diatas, kamu juga bisa mengunjungi tempat ini sebagai tambahan referensi wisata anda jika sewaktu-waktu mengunjungi Vientiane

Pha That Luang

Located in the center of Vientiane, Pha That Luang (“Great Stupa in Lao”) is one of the most significant monument in Laos. The stupa has several terraces with each level representing a different stage of Buddhist enlightenment. The lowest level represents the material world; the highest level represents the world of nothingness. Pha That Luang was built in the 16th century on the ruins of an earlier Khmer temple. Pha That Luang was smashed by a Siamese invasion in 1828, then later reconstructed by the French in 1931.