Atraksi Populer Turis di Pulau Penang Malaysia

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Chew Jetty

Step back in time and experience the Malaysia of the past with a visit to Chew Jetty. At more than a century old, Chew Jetty is a collection of wooden houses built next to the water. The jetty was just a row of planks where passengers could board boats, but Chinese immigrants who worked at the port in the 19th century built homes directly above the jetty. One of these, known as Chew Jetty, still stands. The jetty homes have kept up with modernization in some ways, adding in things like electricity and running water. However, the haphazard nature of construction is a clear nod to the past. Touring Chew Jetty is a stark contrast to some of the more contemporary buildings you’ll in Penang.

Info Destinasi Wisata yang sangat bermanfaat, selain tempat-tempat diatas, kamu juga bisa mengunjungi tempat ini sebagai tambahan referensi wisata anda jika sewaktu-waktu mengunjungi Penang Malaysia

Penang National Park